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Doktorand Charakterisierung modengekoppelter Halbleiterlaser (w/m/d)
Nanofabrication service tailored to your needs

Technological Service

Sensalight Technologies has a complete range of processing tools for laser fabrication, which is also available for customer-specific technology development. Processing tools include

  • systems for pattern development and device design,
  • optical as well as electron beam lithography,
  • wet and dry etching,
  • dielectric and metal coatings by evaporation and sputter systems,
  • optical and electron microscopes for inspection, etc.

With the exception of the electron beam lithography system, all tools are capable of handling wafers with diameters up to 8“ (electron beam lithography limits wafer diameter to 6“ maximum). Using electron beam lithography, minimum feature sizes of about 10 nm can be realized.

SEM micrograph of etched ridge (top view)
High-resolution electron-beam lithography system